On another subject, I'd like to say that I enjoy watching ShawTV. I like that they do a great job as the voice of the community in which they exist. I also like the segment on cooking with the "Island Chef". As an ISLAND GIRL that title resonates with me :). And his recipes are easy to replicate. Not to mention that the meals look yummy.
Synchronization. That's the word I am pondering. Following closely is 'medley'. I enjoy medleys.... Music is a huge part of my life. I am always very excited when my best friend is playing the piano! I sing along sometimes. Everyone in my family loves music. My brothers play a number of instruments. My younger brother, who lives in Australia, is one of the best bass guitarists - not my biased opinion, believe me! My children play a number of musical instruments. So, when you hear the word 'synchronization' what picture comes to mind? Oneness with God? A writer's voice heard even within their characterization? Musical notes? An opera or orchestra? Creation? Nature? Grammar?
What do you think of the current spring weather? I guess it depends on where you live and how changes in weather affect you.
So far, does the word "random" occur to you? Well, it's part of the title for this blog post :).
I just wanted to illustrate in a fun way that structure is of essence in writing. It transcends paragraphing techniques. Do you see structure here or a writer's ramble?