The first quarter of 2015 is gradually coming to a close.
Are you living up to your New Year resolutions? Are you steadily working
towards those SMART goals of yours? Every little step forward counts.
On the aside, smartwatch is the new buzz in the market. Apple Watch launches on April 24. These smart watches
have internet capabilities and allow the use of apps. It is a great
technological advancement that has been in the offing for some time now. Would
you like to get one? Do you already have one? What are your thoughts about smartwatch?
One thing I can say for sure is that the smartwatch will
make examination invigilation around the world more difficult. This watch gives
students who have the tendency to cheat another means to put their devious
activity into action. Large class invigilators will have a herculean task
catching culprits.
In spite of the cons associated with this new product, I
have to say that the convenience and other advantages the product provides,
make it a great product and I applaud the manufacturers.
What do you consider to be the pros and cons of smart