Hi Everyone! I hope all's well with you.

I'm really excited at the progress on my website redesign. You must have noticed months back when I removed most of the design on this site. Thanks to you all for keeping the traffic to my website high. My website is being redesigned to facilitate blogging which has become my primary focus. There's so much I need to share with you about writing that can best be done using a blogging format rather than traditional website. Gradually, I'm moving towards my long term career goal by Gg. Can't wait to show you all the new website!

Otherwise, how's your day going? Mine's going great:); hope yours is too:).

For those participating in the 2012 NaNoWriMo, how is it going for you? Let the inspiration and focus flow :). Keep up the good work and in 3 weeks, you'll have a complete first draft! Good luck to you!

Much blessings.


1 comment:

  1. Nice transformation of the website, looking great. Website redesign services plays a major role to maintain our website up to date and also inject new idea inside the website to attract new user and keep engaging the old user.
    Good work.....
