Welcome to February: the month of hope and love!
So thankful for you, me, mine, us, ours and all!
There are many celebrations this month: in sports (SB), in
entertainment (OA) and VALENTINE’s DAY! Woot woot! It was AMAZING last year and
by God’s grace, it promises to be AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL J
It’s a new day! And… the weekend is here! Yeah! What makes the weekend special for you? I know who/what
makes it extraordinarily great for me. Thanks CM!
Beginning this month, I’m gradually making some changes to
my blogging themes. In that regard, I’ll be sharing on the subject of writing
and education in my website posts. My Facebook fan page will be devoted to
quotes, leisure and personal themes. Thanks to everyone for the great website
I know!!! Ha ha ha. Please, be sure to visit both pages often. Your comments are greatly appreciated.
On the aside, I like it when people copy, cite things from my posts. I
feel truly humbled whenever I see that. Where applicable, please remember to acknowledge it. That’s the standard practice.
You know about plagiarism (academic theft). It may not have anything to do with
copyright but it depicts honesty, humility, integrity.
I wish you the very best in this new month!
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the
stars.” ~ Brian Littrell
And remember, the sky isn’t your limitJ. Dream bigger than you
can see. Believe in yourself. Challenge yourself. Get out of your
comfort zone. Set SMART goals and strive to accomplish them. Let kindness,
compassion, love, forgiveness and humility guide you in every way. Find a way
to give your time, energy, resources without expecting something in return.
Let go of resentment, self-pity and ingratitude. Be thankful
for little things in life.
Stop comparing yourself with other people. Everyone is
uniquely created, physically, challenges and all. “The only person you should
try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.” ~ Anon.
Do no one evil…. Remember, what goes around comes around….
Some call it karma.
Personally, I believe in handing over every ‘battle’ to the
Get free of all that is holding you back so you can begin to
soar like the eagle. Focus on your accomplishments, not on your failures, and
keep counting your blessingsJ.
Some say, believe in a higher power…. I say, believe in God.
He’s above all!
If you’re born in February, I wish you “A wonderful Birthday!”
…A belated one to everyone born in JanuaryJ.
Henceforth, I’ll be sending monthly birthday wishes to you.
This month of hope and love, I’ll be mostly posting quotes (and a few videos) of both themes on my Facebook fan page. I have already put up one for starters. Be sure to check them out. Thanks!!!
Enjoy your weekend, friends!
And have a fantastic February!
God bless!
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