“A writer is somebody for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.” ~ Thomas Mann. This may seem ironic, even contradictory, but it is very true.

Everyone I know who is passionate about writing has a number of unfinished or completed but unpublished stories. Some of these drafts get to be revised and published while some remain unseen by anyone besides the writer.

I am no exception.

Writing gives me great pleasure, release (freedom); yet, I find myself sometimes, struggling to find the time to write.  Although, I’m consumed by the ideas bubbling within and I need to let them out, I find myself preoccupied with daily routines and demands.

Talking about daily routines, I am learning to give writing a strategic place in it. Writing or editing a paragraph, a page, a chapter or two in a day, that’s progress.  BEING CONSISTENT IS KEY. In the words of Dianne Christner : "A manuscript progresses faster, even at plodding pace, than writing in spurts. Goals become realities, and even impossible goals and dreams can be achieved through perseverance."

Make time for your writing. Have your notepad, tablet or other electronic gadget handy. And write, write, write. The joy we derive from it makes it very worthwhile. It's a win-win situation. 

So I say to you, keep writing!

Enjoy the rest of the week.


The reason one writes isn't the fact he wants to say something. He writes because he has something to say.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald

I took this photo of the sunrise on our way into Victoria on Monday morning :).

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