"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."

This irrefutable statement is credited to Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. However, the truth behind it cannot be ascribed to a single individual.

In the coming weeks, I will be titling my posts here "Happy Hour". It is a reminder to everyone out there: "BE HAPPY". Problems may temporarily encroach on our happiness but we all have the power to cause a positive shift from sadness and depression to happiness and hope.

I have been through so much that sometimes my level of optimism just needs a divine nudge to reassure me that no one can tamper with my destiny. Any attempt to do so is like fighting a power bigger, greater and stronger than all human beings put together. Remember the potter and clay analogy? It is true.

Each of us must walk in our destiny. No two persons will walk exactly same road. We must keep our eyes on our own path and not be jealous or envious of another. Just be happy, thankful and do what is right. Your best is yet to come. My best is yet to come.

But I digress.

I received that divine nudge an hour ago. Wow! And wow! Double blessings. Blessing galore. He never ceases to amaze me! I AM VERY THANKFUL! A blessing is a blessing: there is no "small" or "big" blessing. Challenges cannot defeat me. They are there to make me stronger and wiser. They are stepping stones to success and greatness. No one can take away who I am. And I know WHO always has my back. Even in the storm, He is there. He calms it in His own time. I AM SO BLESSED! And I believe so are you! Take your eyes off the storm and the quietness will come sooner than you think.

Have a blessed day everyone!

10/11/12 :)

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