Living for Today

The weather has been awesome in the past few days. It has been a blend of mild cold and mild shine. Perfect....

Today, I was having tea with a writer friend of mine. We talked about the status of our current projects and, of course, publishing options. We agreed that we write for the pure joy of writing. I added too, that so long as I can get my writing into the hands of readers, monetary considerations are secondary. An illustration is Endless Seasons which was first published in Nigeria and for which I earned no dime from sales. I am content that people get to read my poems and appreciate them. That is enough for me. I have to admit that I get excited when I read the reviews too.

During our chat, I told my friend how I've learned to live for today. Looking into the future can be scary, exciting, intimidating, or even depressing. Why spend time and energy thinking about tomorrow when you can focus them on living fully today? This principle has made life so much more fun and anxiety-free. This does not mean I should not have assets, savings, or life goals. It simply means that I don't spend time worrying about my tomorrow. There's a song I love that says, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone...." So true!

Enjoy your day!

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